“Farmers farm for the love of farming. They love to watch and nurture the growth of plants. They love to live in the presence of animals. They love to work outdoors. They love the weather, maybe even when it is making them miserable. They love to live where they work and to work where they live. ” Our Story
Becca grew up in the suburbs of Western Pennsylvania. Bill spent his childhood on commercial dairy farms in Central New York. When we met in 2015, we dreamed about raising rabbits, keeping chickens and someday (maybe!) having our own small farm. Eventually, it became evident that we made a pretty good team, both on-farm and off, and so we dove right in. In 2016, we purchased seven New Zealand Rabbits and 40 chicks for egg production. Our first year we built rabbit cages, chicken coops, inoculated shiitake logs, planted veggies and began growing our dreams. We're passionate about caring for the land we farm on so future generations can continue to connect with this landscape. When we make decisions for our farm, we consider the natural environment and the impact that these decisions will have on our natural systems. We often look to the natural world for inspiration and examples. To that end, we've been working to increase biodiversity by encouraging native plants, providing habitat for pollinators, birds, amphibians and more. Sometimes, this means we've taken land out of production, but it will always mean increased health for the landscape and those who eat the food we grow on it. We farm because we love it. We love watching our pigs act like pigs, and our resident Great Blue Heron fish for frogs at our ponds edge; we never get tired of building relationships with new customer, or of the never ending challenges farming presents. It's been an amazing adventure so far, and each day we're excited to see where else it takes us. |