Our Products
At Bottomland Farm, our primary goal is to grow high-quality food for our local community. In order to do so, we focus on the health and well-being of all of our animals, as well as the land we farm on. This allows us to deliver delicious, sustainable and nutritious local food to those who value it.
Pasture-Raised Chicken
Our pasture-raised chicken are noticeably different in flavor than the chicken you can find in the grocery store! As soon as they're old enough to be removed from their heated brooder, we put them out on pasture in our farm-built chicken tractors. These chicken tractors, located in pasture or between our chestnut orchard rows, are moved once a day to allow the chickens access to fresh grass and bugs, while also providing protection from predators. The additional protein and nutrition they gain from insects and grass makes for incredibly flavorful chicken, which can be enjoyed roasted, grilled or pan fried. Our chickens not only provide us with delicious meals, but also help to decrease pest pressure and provide additional fertilization in our young orchard and pasture. Pasture-Raised Pork In our opinion, there are few farm animals that are as fun to be around as pigs. We focus on providing our pigs a life that allows them to be pigs. They are rotated through our pastures on a regular basis, allowing them to root in the ground for grubs, roots and other tasty treats. We supplement their diets with local produce that's a bit too old or ugly for human consumption, reducing food waste in our region. And of course, they get as many scratches and belly rubs as we have time to provide! Our pork is processed at a USDA facility into retail cuts that can be bought in bulk or by the piece. Pastured pork is often times higher in vitamins E and D, and has more micronutrients than factory raised pork. In addition to being healthy, the taste of our pastured pork really can't be beat. Once you've tried our bacon, you won't be able to go back to store bought! Chicken Eggs Our free range hens produce white, brown, blue and green eggs with a darker yolk and a richer flavor than most store bought eggs. These eggs are fresh— right off the farm, days or even hours old by the time you purchase them. Eggs from free range hens are also more nutritious than eggs from their caged counterparts. We raise a variety of rare and heritage breed chickens that thrive when allowed to forage for a variety of foods, in addition to being fed a locally produced commercial chicken feed. During the winter months, their diet is often supplemented with kitchen and vegetable scraps. Farm Raised Rabbit Farm-raised rabbit is perhaps one of the most overlooked healthy & sustainable meat sources available today. Rabbit “can produce six pounds of meat on the same amount of feed and water it takes a cow to produce just one pound,”-- they thrive on alfalfa, rather than energy intense soy or corn. At our farm, we currently focus on two rabbit breeds: the commercial breed New Zealand White and the heritage breed American Chinchilla. All of our rabbits are fed hay from our pastures along with a commercial alfalfa based rabbit pellet that helps them to thrive. We currently offer whole rabbit, as well as whole rabbit pieced up, and a variety of rabbit cuts. Log-grown Shiitake Mushrooms Shiitake mushrooms, which take advantage of the forested areas of our property, are produced on logs that have been thinned as part of our forest management plan and purchased locally from sustainable sources. These log-grown shiitakes, which often take on different flavors depending upon the species of log they are grown from, are considered gourmet treats with a rich ‘umami’ flavor and meaty texture. There is a noticeable difference in the texture and flavor of our log grown Shiitakes when compared to sawdust grown shiitakes normally found in grocery stores. |